
M.S. in artificial intelligence

Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
As a MS student, I studied and developed methods and algorithms in multiple fields related to artificial intelligence. These fields included data mining, natural language processing, multi‑agent systems, computer vision and statistics. I had the opportunity to work in group projects with people from a wide variety of backgrounds, granting me knowledge and experience related to their development and expanding my ability to approach problems from different perspectives.

Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA
I completed my masters thesis at SORG‑MGH laboratory developing a multi-stage algorithm to classify X-rays for the creation of a registry while participating in different research projects. I worked closely with doctors and engineers in a multicultural and cross field environment.

B.S. in computer science

U‑TAD, Camilo Jose Cela University, Madrid, Spain
During my Bachelor’s degree, I studied fields such as databases, data mining, web programming, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity. Other subjects included project management, public speaking and finance. In addition, I progressively improved my team working, research skills, and self‑learning capabilities.

Soongsil University, Seoul, South Korea
I was an international exchange student at Soongsil University for six months, taking software engineering courses taught in English. I immersed myself in an international and multicultural environment. Studying and living there granted me different points of view and experience in sorting out daily problems