Automated AI Detection Tool for Ankle Fractures Using X-Rays and Smart Devices

Published in Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics, 2023

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is particularly salient to visually oriented medical professions, especially orthopedics. The most prominent use of AI in orthopedics comes in the form of medical imaging examinations. AI has a huge potential to help doctors make diagnoses by acting as a second pair of eyes. Some results suggested a very high level of agreement between AI models’ and the clinician’s assessments of radiographs. Furthermore, it was also suggested that the sensitivity and specificity of emergency medicine physicians for detecting some pathologies are significantly improved when aided by an AI tool. In view of these observations, our study aimed to create an AI-based ankle fracture detection tool that can be used on smart devices for X-ray interpretation.

Recommended citation: Nassour N, Acitores JM, Jang C, et al. Automated AI Detection Tool for Ankle Fractures Using X-Rays and Smart Devices. Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics. 2023;8(4). doi:10.1177/2473011423S00026
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